VHF vs UHF - What's the difference //Basic VHF and UHF Fundamentals// What to Look For in a VHF Radio// uhf vs vhf two way radios

VHF vs UHF - What's the difference //Basic VHF and UHF Fundamentals// What to Look For in a VHF Radio// uhf vs vhf two way radios

Today I have taken a very important topic for beginners that is basic difference between VHF and UHF Radios

 VHF stands for very high frequency and UHF stands for Ultra high frequency. So today we will discuss about the very high frequency radios and Ultra high frequency radios.  Radios are also known as walkie-talkie in general.   

if you are looking for a radio (walkie-talkie) and you are not able to decide whether UHF or VHF radio can serve your purpose then this is going to be very useful for you.

VHF Radios:  when we talk about the vhf frequency it means that we are talking about frequency from 30 megahertz to 300 megahertz.  In this most important services are:-

1.   Broadcasting services

2.   Aeronautical and Maritime services

3.   Amateur and Amateur Satellite Services

Frequency from 87-108 MHz is identified for the broadcasting services this is mostly for FM broadcast stations and from 108 to 137 megahertz frequency band is identified for Aeronautical Services and from 144-146 megahertz is identified for the amateur and amateur satellite services. Normally vhf radio operates between 136 to 174 MHz.

 The main advantage of VHF band is that it can cover more distance with less power but it's maximum coverage is also limited that is up to about 100 miles which comes up to 160 kilometers approximately. The reason behind this is because the VHF frequency waves are longer and remains closer to the ground. VHF Radio will work with best quality of voice when there is a clear line of sight between transmitter and receiver with little obstruction.   

VHF radios are exclusively used in aviation as well as in maritime communication.  When you are using this vhf radio in aviation you are communicating from ground to sky and there is no obstruction that is why this is very reliable communication in aviation field.

Similarly in case of maritime communication you are communicating over the sea and there is no obstruction. So this radio is very useful for the outdoor use as well as for open fields.

If you know the frequency of any band then you can calculate the antenna size.


For entire VHF band (30-300 MHz)

Antenna Size  =  2.5 to 25 m (λ/2)          for half dipole

                          =1.25 to 12.5 m  (λ/4)     for half dipole


 It comes about 1.25 to 1.5 meter for entire VHF band that is for 30 MHz to 300 MHz.

 VHF antenna is longer than the UHF antenna because they need to facilitate transmission over a longer distance and work on VHF frequency.

 Another benefit of vhf radio is they can penetrate trees and plants better than UHF radio so vhf is very useful for open fields and outdoor use.

But if you're planning to use a radio for indoor use or from indore to outdoor use like multistory shopping construction site/complex, hospitals, malls then UHF will be better option.

        UHF Radios:   Now I am coming to UHF radios. UHF stands for ultra-high- frequency.  UHF radio waves are shorter compared to very high frequency radio waves.  Hence, UHF radios can penetrate like buildings, walls. Therefore, UHF radios are better for urban-outdoor use. UHF radio waves with good size of antenna and power can penetrate even buildings concrete steel, woods and will allow you to communicate with a person even if he is on a different floor. UHF radios are also known as ‘BRICK’ Radio.


So let us summarize, VHF radios are for clear terrain condition. VHF is better for outdoor use and open fields.  VHF has low penetration capability into walls, buildings and it has high coverage as compared to UHF radio frequency. UHF radio can penetrate inside the building and is suitable for urban communication but it has lower coverage as compared to VHF Radio. This is all about VHF & UHF Radio.  

Thank you friends for reading HTB-HiTech Babaji- Simply Read & Learn. We will meet again with some useful and important topic till then

 Namaskar, Jay Hind,  Vande Mataram! 



  1. Simplified but very precisely explained and all major points are covered.. Excellent contribution, thank you and I look forward for more postings from you..

  2. Very comprehensive information, thank you very much for useful blogpost


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